

Opening hours, entry fees and contact information

Opening hours 2024

May 1st - September 29th
Wed–Sun 11 am - 5 pm

Closed on the 21st and 22nd of June

The restaurant building "Lilla Villan" is closed during renovation.

Tickets 2024

Adults €14
Reduced ticket €10 (students, pensioners, unemployed, conscripts and groups more than 10 persons)
Children 7-17 years €4
Family ticket (2 adults and 1-4 children) €30

We also accept the Museum Card.

You can visit the museum independently with your group during the opening hours. An independent visit to the museum by school groups is free for the whole group. Inform us of your visit in advance: Tel. +358 29533 6359 (Wed-Sun) or via e-mail hvittrask@kansallismuseo.fi


Tel. +358 295 33 6951

Hvitträskintie 166
FI-02440 LUOMA

How to get there?

Local trains

Helsinki-Kauklahti (E, L, S and U trains), 6 km from Hvitträsk. There is a taxi pole in Kauklahti station.

Driving instructions

Kehä III, to the west (Länteen), from the Espoonlahti-Siuntio intersection follow Hvitträsk signs (village named Luoma-Bobäck).